The Experts in Animal Health

Brakke Consulting, Inc., the foremost animal health industry consulting and research firm and Trone Brand Energy,  a leading pet category advertising and marketing insights company, are joining forces to paint the picture of the future U.S. pet pharmaceutical marketplace. The first place pet owners go to purchase veterinarian-prescribed medicines is beginning to change as new distribution models and proposed legislative measures are evolving to give consumers more choice. New research by Brakke and Trone Brand Energy will define how this change of the pet pharmaceutical industry will affect manufacturers, distributors, retailers and veterinarians once a critical mass of consumers begin to adopt new models.

“Changes to the pet pharmaceutical marketplace are going to present opportunities and challenges unlike any the industry has seen,” said Ron Brakke, president of Brakke Consulting. “We have partnered with Trone Brand Energy to help broaden the scope of the insights we gather. Companies that participate in the research will be offered a comprehensive body of implications on how they should change their business models to adapt to the new dynamics.”

Online pet pharmacies were among the initial alternative channels to dispense pet prescriptions outside the veterinary clinic. Retail pharmaceutical chains have introduced the concept of dispensing pet-exclusive pharmaceuticals within their pharmacies. Yet recent research conducted by Trone Brand Energy published in Veterinary Economics revealed that most consumers remain loyal to purchasing their pets’ medicines from the prescribing veterinarians and do not have significant awareness of alternative and potentially cost-saving channels for their pets’ medications.

“With this research partnership, we are going to identify with data the early adopters of the new pharmaceutical distribution models and forecast the factors and timing required to push a large majority of pet owners into the new purchase channels,” said Doug Barton, president of Trone Brand Energy. “These changes will affect veterinary practices as well as impact pharmaceutical companies and retail channels. Understanding the relationship between consumers and drug retailers, and the lifecycle of the imminent changes, will help all vested organizations prepare.”

Brakke Consulting’s recent industry research includes quantifying a reduction in veterinary office visits, as well as profiling the marketplace for blockbuster product segments, including pain management and parasite control. Trone Brand Energy represents market leaders in pet products manufacturing and veterinary industry organization sectors, and has a history of deploying research and multi-media marketing campaigns for various products in the veterinary and pet retail markets.

Companies wishing to participate in the study can contact David Goodnight at 830-285-1259.

About Brakke Consulting

For more than 28 years, Brakke Consulting has offered comprehensive solutions for the animal health industry, including international marketing, new business development, product evaluation and distribution strategies. The company also offers consulting services for veterinary practices and is known for its syndicated market studies, providing strategic, timely information for the industry.

About Trone Brand Energy

Trone Brand Energy is known for The Firefly Effect™ strategic approach that uses data to develop powerful insights into creative ideas that connect people with brands. Trone Brand Energy offers advertising, media buying and planning, strategic planning and analytics, public relations, event marketing, social media, and relationship marketing. The agency is one of the largest independent agencies in the Southeast. Client experience includes pet product manufacturing, pet pharmaceuticals and pet industry associations. For more information, visit


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